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Frequently Asked Question

Have a question about Estatetial? Check out our FAQ page for answers to common questions about our platform, features, and more. If you can't find what you're looking for, feel free to reach out to us and we'll be happy to help.

Estatetial is a revolutionary new app that is changing the way people interact with the real estate market. With a focus on community involvement, transparency, and trust. It's a multi-ecosystem network platform that allows users to access a wide range of services and information in the real estate industry, all in one place. From user reviews and ratings to a decentralized identification system. Our platform is built on the decentralized Realm3 blockchain, which provides a secure and transparent environment for conducting real estate transactions.

The R3 Wallet is a decentralized identification wallet that is built on the Realm3 blockchain. It allows users to create and manage their own digital identities, known as R3-ID, which they can use to authenticate themselves on the Estatetial platform and other web3 applications. The R3 Wallet also allows users to store and manage their R3 tokens, which they can use to access various features and services on the Estatetial platform. Additionally, users can also use the R3 Wallet to stake their tokens and earn additional rewards through the platform's token incentivization program.

R3-ID allows users to create and manage their own digital identities on the blockchain, giving them control over their personal information and making transactions more secure and transparent.

RENP is a set of rules and standards that ensure that all transactions on the platform are conducted in a fair and transparent way. It also provides a level of security and trust that is not possible with traditional systems.

There are several ways to earn tokens on Estatetial, including:

  • Participating in the Estatetial community and contributing to the platform through providing feedback and suggestions, creating content, and more.
  • Staking your digital identity on the platform through our R3-ID system.
  • Participating in the property listing and management process as a landlord or agent.
  • Creating and sharing valuable data on the platform.

Tokens earned on Estatetial can be used to access premium features and services, participate in community governance and decision making, and more.

The property claim feature allows landlords to claim ownership of a property on the blockchain using RENP. This ensures that all transactions are conducted in a secure and transparent manner and that fraudulent activities are discouraged.

Estatetial provides a secure, transparent, and fair environment for conducting real estate transactions. By using the latest technology and industry-specific protocols, Estatetial offers a level of trust and security that is not possible with traditional systems.

You can join the Estatetial community by signing up for the waitlist on our website and downloading the app when it becomes available.

You can get early access to the app by signing up for the waitlist and being one of the first to join the close-beta.

You can provide feedback and shape the final product by joining the close-beta and participating in user testing and surveys. You can also share your feedback and suggestions on our community forum